Sex Crimes Involuntary Deviant Sexual Intercourse

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2019 | Sex Crimes

The sexual offense of involuntary deviant sexual intercourse is a very similar offense to other sex crimes such as rape. This crime of IDSI is defined under section 3123 of the Pa criminal code. CYS investigations The difference between Involuntary Deviant Sexual Intercourse and Rape is that this offense covers more sexual acts and excludes any type of vaginal penetration, which the charge of rape would cover. Acts that would be covered under this statute include sexual intercourse with an animal, any penetration, however slight, with a foreign object, and forcible anal or oral sex. As stated previously it is very similar to the statue of rape. This is an important distinction for prosecutors because if they believe that their case would not fit the criteria for the charge of rape, they can instead charge the accused with the more encompassing charge involuntary deviant sexual intercourse.

In addition, there are three different types of Sex Crimes covered under Involuntary Deviant Sexual Intercourse, all of which are felonies of the first-degree which carry a sentence of 20 years imprisonment, and a hefty fine. In addition to a long prison sentence and a fine, being convicted under any of these statutes require that the person be placed on a sex offender registry for life. internet sex crimes The first type of this offense is involuntary deviant sexual intercourse itself. Next there is involuntary deviant sexual intercourse with a child. Lastly there is deviant sexual intercourse with a child with serious bodily injury. This last type of involuntary deviant sexual intercourse is the most serious of the types of charges. If convicted the person faces up to 40 years in prison, plus 10 years if any intoxicating drugs were used. Due to the serious nature of this offense being represented by experienced attorneys can make a difference in the outcome of your case. The experienced attorneys at the Bellwoar Kelly, LLP are more than qualified to handle your legal needs.

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